Club Regeln

Am Hof 8 is a private members club (“Club”) at the address of the same name in 1010 Vienna and is part of the business operations of Am Hof 8 Betriebs GmbH. In order to ensure the appropriate use of Am Hof 8 for members and their guests, compliance with recognized standards of conduct and club rules is required. The following club rules are part of the general terms and conditions of Am Hof 8 Betriebs GmbH.

1. General

Every member of Am Hof 8 concludes a membership contract with Am Hof 8 Betriebs GmbH. Am Hof 8 reserves the right to charge its members registration fees and monthly membership fees and to adjust these from time to time.

2. Membership application

By completing and submitting a membership application for Am Hof 8, you agree to the club rules and general terms and conditions.

3. Guarantors

Anyone who wants to become a member of Am Hof 8 must be nominated by two existing members, who should not come from the same company or family circle as the applicant.

Members have the right or are encouraged to suggest potential members who fit the club and the concept of Am Hof 8. However, there is no guarantee or entitlement to (immediate) acceptance.

4. Committee

The application for membership is decided by the Am Hof 8 Committee (“Committee”), which reviews and assesses each application. There is no entitlement to acceptance of an application. The Committee makes the decision on whether to accept or reject an application at its own discretion and does not have to give reasons for this. The exclusion of members for important reasons requires a decision by the Committee. The Am Hof 8 Committee consists of at least 3 and a maximum of 5 members of Am Hof 8. The initial committee is selected by the Club President. The President chairs the Committee. Subsequent committee members are elected by majority vote. The president has a right of veto.

5. Waiting list

Depending on the availability of memberships, your application will be processed immediately or transferred to a waiting list. You will be informed about the status or changes to the status of your application. There is no entitlement to immediate processing of your application.

6. Term

The minimum term of membership is twelve months from the opening of the club or from the acceptance of the application if Am Hof 8 has already opened by this time.

Membership is automatically extended for additional terms of twelve months each.

7. Termination rights

Membership can be terminated with two months' notice before the end of the respective term. The membership fee is payable until the end of the membership.

8. Exclusion of members

By becoming a member of Am Hof 8, each member undertakes to comply with the club rules and regulations of Am Hof​8. Should a member or their guests violate the club rules and regulations of Am Hof 8, Am Hof 8 can expel the member or guest from the club premises with immediate effect. A violation of the club rules and regulations can subsequently lead to disciplinary proceedings by the committee, which can lead to suspension or termination of membership. The committee decides at its own discretion and does not have to justify its decision. Violent or abusive behavior as well as the passing on of information to the media regarding the affairs of the club, its members or guests, as well as the deliberate removal, damage or destruction of property of the club or members or guests, can lead to disciplinary proceedings by the committee. An excluded member is prohibited from re-entering the club as a guest.

9. Membership payment

The membership fee is due monthly and is collected on the 1st of the month. The membership fee is collected for the first time in the month of the official opening of Am Hof 8. The membership fee is payable up to and including the last month of membership. Am Hof 8 reserves the right to change the membership fee from time to time. You will be informed in writing in advance of any change in the amount and this will take place at the start of the calendar year. Failure to pay the membership fee within one month of the due date may result in refusal of access to Am Hof 8 and termination of membership.

10. Bills

All bills must be paid in full before leaving the club. Members are liable for the bills of their guests.

11. Membership cards

Every member receives a membership card when they start their membership. To gain access to Am Hof 8 to receive a membership card, members are asked to present their membership cards at reception. Members may also be asked to show their membership card by Am Hof 8 staff during their stay in the club premises or in the club's garden. Passing on the membership card, especially to non-members, is prohibited and can lead to the suspension or termination of the membership of the member whose card was used. Members of Am Hof 8 are required to inform club management immediately if their membership card is lost or stolen.

12. Guests

Members have the option of bringing up to 3 guests to the Am Hof 8 premises without prior registration. If a member has booked premises for a private event, a larger number of guests is permitted with prior registration. Actual access to the premises is granted to members and their guests only within the scope of availability and until capacity is reached, or can be limited to certain areas in the club at peak times. Guests may only enter the club and use the premises in the presence of the member. If a member leaves the club, guests are also required to do the same. Members are liable for their guests and must ensure that they also adhere to the club rules. If guests disregard the club rules, this will result in expulsion from the club and the member's membership can be suspended or terminated.

13. Children

Am Hof 8 is a club for adults. If children up to the age of 18 are to be brought along, this is possible during the day or until 11 p.m. Members are liable for their children and must ensure that the children are supervised at all times.

14. Animals

Bringing animals is not permitted. An exception applies to dogs that are well behaved.

15. Bringing food and drinks

Members and their guests are asked not to bring food and drinks from outside into the club unless this is necessary for medical reasons.

16. Dress Code

Am Hof 8 is a private members club at an exclusive address. We are convinced that our members take this into account when choosing their clothing. Therefore, no specific dress code is set. However, items of clothing such as flip-flops, ripped jeans or similar are expressly not permitted.

17. Mobile phones

Members are required to set their mobile phones to silent during their stay in the club and only make phone calls in the rooms provided for this purpose. This rule also applies to internet calls. Sending SMS or WhatsApp messages is permitted.

All sound output may only be heard through headphones and should not be audible to other members or guests present.

18. Photo/audio/video recordings

Discretion and privacy are fundamental cornerstones of the Private Members Club Am Hof 8. Members and their guests are therefore asked to take this into account when taking photos, audio and video recordings during their stay in the club. It is forbidden to take photos, audio or video recordings of other members and their guests.

19. Press/Social Media

Am Hof ​​8 has a strict press ban. Members and their guests are prohibited from publicly disclosing or describing the presence or identity of other members or guests in the club or other confidential information relating to Am Hof 8, such as private events and fees, via the press or on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or on personal blogs.

Members can also expect discretion and confidential handling of personal data from the management and all employees of Am Hof 8.

20. Privacy of members and guests

During their stay in the club, members and their guests are required not to disturb or harass other people in the club.

21. Illegal drugs, substances & objects

Any use or possession of illegal drugs, substances and objects is strictly prohibited in the club premises or in the immediate vicinity of Am Hof 8. This includes in particular any trade (purchase, sale or distribution) of such objects in the premises of Am Hof 8. If a member or guest violates this rule, this will lead to immediate expulsion from the club and termination of membership. Depending on the circumstances, the police or the relevant authority will be informed.

22. Smoking

Members and their guests are not permitted to smoke in the club (including e-cigarettes and vaping devices). Am Hof 8 reserves the right reserves the right to designate certain areas of the club premises or the outdoor areas as smoking areas from time to time and to change the location of these areas at any time.

23. Temporary club closure

The club can temporarily close in whole or in part to members and their guests due to private events or necessary maintenance work, repairs or renovation work. A complete or partial closure does not constitute a loss of services from Am Hof 8 and any claims for a reduction in the membership fee are inadmissible.

24. Noise in outdoor areas

When entering or leaving Am Hof 8, as well as while in the outdoor areas of the club, members and their guests are asked to behave quietly and respect the peace and quiet of the residents.

25. Surveillance cameras

For security reasons, surveillance cameras are used in the club.

26. Membership Rights

A member of Am Hof 8 is entitled to those rights that are available to the member in the scope of his or her chosen or granted membership category. Each member is bound by the club rules, but has no ownership rights in any of the premises or in relation to the property of Am Hof 8.

27. Am Hof 8 Trademark Rights

The Am Hof 8 brand is the exclusive property of Am Hof 8 Betriebs GmbH. Members and their guests are not permitted to use the name, logos, colors, trademarks, photos, trade dress or other identifying features of Am Hof 8 without first obtaining the specific written consent of Am Hof 8 regarding the specific use.

28. Data Protection

When you apply for membership of Am Hof 8, we add your information and your photo to our database. By applying, you agree that we may use your data in connection with your membership in accordance with our data protection guidelines.

29. Liability of Am Hof 8

A contractual or non-contractual liability for damages on the part of Am Hof 8 only exists if the damage is due to gross negligence or intent. Am Hof 8 is liable for the culpable injury to the life, limb or health of a natural person in accordance with statutory provisions, even in the case of simple negligence. In addition, Am Hof 8 is also liable in accordance with statutory provisions for the simple negligent breach of an essential contractual obligation, although the amount is limited to the financial losses that Am Hof 8 should have foreseen as a possible consequence of the breach of contract when concluding the contract. Essential contractual obligations in the aforementioned sense are those obligations whose fulfillment enables the proper execution of the contract and the achievement of the purpose of the contract and whose compliance you can regularly rely on according to the content and purpose of the contract. This includes in particular the obligation to make the premises of Am Hof 8 available in such a way that the life, limb and health of you or your guests are not endangered. All items brought into the club are brought and left at the sole risk of a member or their guests. Am Hof 8 shall not be liable to members or guests for the loss or damage of these items. The above limitations of liability shall apply equally to any personal liability of the bodies, employees or vicarious agents of Am Hof 8.

30. Interpretation of the Rules

In the event of a dispute arising out of the meaning or interpretation of these Rules, the matter shall be referred to the Committee, whose decision shall be final and incontestable with regard to the member's membership. These Rules shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with Austrian law and each member acknowledges the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Vienna.

31. Changes to the Club Rules

Am Hof 8 may change the Club Rules from time to time by posting a notice of the change on or in the Members App. It is possible that the club rules in physical circulation are not completely up to date and that the latest version of the club rules is displayed on or in the Members App.

32. Contact

If you have any questions regarding membership and/or the club rules, please contact the club management (